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Oleme Microsoft’i partner “In A Day” koolituste seeriale. Peagi on tulemas tasuta eestikeelsed “In a Day” koolitused:
24.04.2025 App in a day (Power Apps)
Jälgi tulevaste Microsoft’i koolituste infot ja registreeri end siin!
27.02.2025, kell 10.00 – Google Sheets ja Excel.
„Mul on Microsofti konto ja ei vaja keerulist lahendust, kuid finantsmõõdikud on siiski olulised.“ Just sellise tagasiside põhjal lõime Google Sheetsi automaatse ühenduse – lihtne paigaldus, täisfunktsionaalsus ja vajalikud mõõdikud.
Seminari jooksul tutvustame tööriista, jagame praktilisi näiteid ja teeme koostöös kogenud investeerimisnõustajaga demoesitluse. Lahendus on loodud koostöös Eesti ühe tuntuma investeerimisgrupi eksperdiga.
Lisaks vastame ka küsimusele: „Mul on praegu Excelis töölaud, mis mulle sobib, aga tahaksin seda automaatsemaks. Kuidas seda teha?“ Katame seminaris ka Exceli töölaudade optimeerimise ja automatiseerimise teemad.
Registreeri end siin.
Making the right financial decisions starts with accurately measuring price elasticity—how demand responds to price changes.
There are three key approaches:
Expert Opinion : Industry professionals use experience and market knowledge to estimate price sensitivity.
Pricing Surveys : Structured surveys assess consumer willingness to pay.
Leveraging Data :
Using transactional data and regression techniques to measure price elasticity with precision.
We’ll also introduce the hedonic price model, which factors in external influences other than price.
Reinforcement learning, which continuously optimizes pricing based on market response.
Our focus for this session is on leveraging transactional data and regression analysis to determine price elasticity, ensuring precise and actionable pricing strategies.
Attending this webinar will equip you with the skills and knowledge (with tools like Excel and Power BI) to make more informed, data-driven pricing decisions that can significantly impact your business’s bottom line.
Reserve your spot today, transform your approach to pricing and become more profitable.
Registreeri end siin.
Future Finance is a Sparkle (SparkleSolutions OÜ) product.
We are a strategic data consultancy company and help our customers improve their data maturity. We use a proven reference architecture, best practices and standards.
We go beyond purely designing and building modern data platforms by starting from the problem and guiding our customers to use their data to its fullest potential.
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